What David is up to?

This is my now page - what I'm working on now, looking into now, and interested in now.

Updated as of Dec 2024 from London, UK.

🧠 Building an AI community in London

I have been running this alongside a few guys for the last 5 years. We are a community that meets regularly in central London tech offices, such as Google and Microsoft.

We want to make AI easy for all developers. Our vision is to bring AI into all other industries.

Planning a lot of fun events for 2025, catch you there @London!
⬇️ List of events (click logo)

πŸ”¬ Furthering AI/ML in Health

I am looking into quantitative epidemiological methods of assessing behaviors and their relationship with diseases at Imperial College London, within the School of Public Health.

I also help out with the Masters programmes that are run in the school (especially the MSc Health Data Analytics and Machine Learning).

I am formally working towards a teaching certification within higher education. Accepted as an associate fellow in the Higher Education Academy.

πŸ—žοΈ Newsletter

I am putting up a waitlist for a newsletter that is planned for 2024/25. This will cover my journey into healthtech, general and generative AI plus local AI events. πŸ‘‰ Join here for the waitlist.

Coffee of the month

(sponsored post)

πŸ†•! I am now partnered with Coffeeworks, an independent coffee roaster in UK. If you like freshly roasted beans, then check them out!

πŸ•ΉοΈ Messing around with DaVinci resolve. Also picking up Typescript. Might do Golang as my next one at somepoint.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What's a /now page?

This is inspired by a movement started by a guy called Derek Sivers. I love the idea of a focused page, that is easy to type and find.

Read about it here, and I also highlight that the origin story behind this idea is πŸ”₯too!

Q: How does it differ from the "about" page?

The idea of this page is to address two main questions (that I get all the time):

  • "What are you up to these days?"
  • "I would like to align with your interests, can you help me with this?"

I use this page as a self-check on myself. Recently coming back to it has let me refresh what I was thinking just a month ago (boy, do I need a dose of FOCUS).

So if you do get referred to this page, don't take it personally. I do acknowledge your kind connection but just don't have the mental capacity to act on it now (perhaps in the future!).

The about page is a more historical viewpoint with an emphasis on timelines. I might be working on something tangential at any point, so this page is a nice section for things. (And saves you a a minute or two of scrolling past a story to get to present-day events).

I try to keep this page updated, and it personally helps me prioritize what's happening currently. Whenever I think of taking up another project, or am shifting/pivoting my direction of focus - I can come back here and review everything.